
Make your Facebook posts engaging: Post type

The next entry in this series on how to make your Facebook posts more engaging revolves around post type. According to SocialBakers, who looked at over 5,000 Facebook posts in the past year, the most engaging posts on Facebook include photos.

However, depending on the kind of content you create, other types of posts can be equally engaging for your summer camp:

Photo: As mentioned above, this is the most engaging type of post. Camps have amazing imagery and photo collections, so use these to your advantage when creating posts.

Video: Even though video can be slightly less engaging, it is still very important to have a lot of video content. Especially because video highlights so well the actual summer camp experience for parents and children.

Link: Posting links to your website or blog is a great way to drive traffic to your camp’s website. I highly recommend you make at least 1 or 2 strictly link posts a week on your Facebook page.

Text: You can avoid basic text posts completely unless you have a specific occasion that requires them.

What mix of posts have you found most engaging? Do you use your Facebook page insights to see which posts perform best for your summer camp? Comment below or email me if you have any questions!