
If you could only do one social media activity, what would it be?

A lot of camp directors I talk to are VERY short of time. In fact, most of the times their entire staff is short on time. I totally understand that, which is why I am posting today about the ONE social media activity you must do. This means, if you are short on time that you shouldn’t do ANY activities except for this one. It’s better to do one thing very well then to have a mediocre Twitter/Instagram/Blog/etc. If you can only make time for one social media activity, you should be curating a Facebook page. By curating I mean, creating interesting content, posting meaningful photos and sharing relevant articles. This shouldn’t take your camp a lot of time. In fact, if you sit down for one hour at the beginning of each month you can create your conversation calendar and have every day’s post ready to go. Then it will only take you 2-3 minutes each day to post to your Facebook page.

Now why do I think Facebook is the one social media activity you should do among all others?

  • Facebook has the biggest and most engaged audience of any social media platform
  • Facebook gives you the flexibility to create long or short posts, use photo or video and share links
  • Facebook allows for easy engagement among your audience

Facebook is the ONE social media activity you should be doing if you are short of time. Focus on this and do it well.