
Twitter Advertising for Summer Camps

Twitter released its self-serve advertising product to the public in April 2013 in an effort to give more small businesses the opportunity to share their message.   For summer camps Twitter advertising can be a great way to: 1. Make sure your important messages get read - We all know how easy it is to miss a tweet! Camps can promote specific tweets in an effort to make sure that they are reaching their current followers. 2. Target potential parents to drive camp sign-ups...

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How to hire a social media consultant for your summer camp

Hiring a social media consultant for your summer camp can be extremely overwhelming. I get asked all sorts of questions by camps who are unsure of the process and benefits of hiring a consultant. Some common objections I hear are: I already have a marketing associate on staff I have a social media intern who is responsible for this We already use social media We don't want to invest in social media because it does not drive our business results These...

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