
Facebook insights for your Facebook page

Almost every summer camp has a Facebook page and it is extremely important to take advantage of the insights that Facebook provides you to grow and optimize your page.

I am going to quickly walk you through my page’s insights so you can see what metrics are important to track. On the main page of Facebook insights there are three panels available: page likes, post reach and engagement. The most important of these three to take a deeper look at is post reach. This is the number of people who your post “reached.” This number is unique and should be your main indicator of awareness for your brand. Engagement is also an important number because it shows how many people have liked, commented and shared your posts. I wouldn’t focus on page likes too much unless your camp is actively trying to increase its number of fans.

Further down in Facebook insights you can see your most recent posts. This is a great way to understand what types of posts (photo, video, link, etc.), with what types of targeting perform the best by reaching the most people or driving the most engagements. As you can see my link post with a video had the highest reach of my most recent posts.

If you click over to the “people” tab you can see a breakdown of your fans by age and gender. As you can see the majority of my fans are women, 71% of my fans v. 46% of Facebook’s general population. This is helpful for me as I begin to try and target new people to fan my page.

There are a lot of good pieces of information here to help you create a better Facebook experience for your fans. Email me if you have any questions about Facebook insights.